Symplocos kowalewskii (Casp.) Sadowski et C.-C. Hofm.
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003014
Authors: E. M. Sadowski & C. C. Hofmann
Rank: species
Basionym: Stewartia kowalewskii Casp.
Reference for this name: Sadowski, E. M. & Hofmann, C. C. (2023): The largest amber-preserved flower revisited. – Scientific Reports 13(17): [1–11].
Page of description: [1]
Types for basionym
Holotype X4088, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, BGR), Berlin, Germany
Figures: not figured
Note: The holotype was not figured in the original publication, but subsequently figured in:
(1) Gothan, W. U. E. F. (1929): Bernstein als Erhalter vorzeitlicher Lebensformen I. Blumeneinschlüsse im Bernstein. – Kosmos, Handweiser für
Naturfreunde, 26: Abb. 1 and figure on p. 128.
(2) Sadowski, E. M. & Hofmann, C. C. (2023): The largest amber-preserved flower revisited. – Scientific Reports, 13(17): Figs 1-3.
Holotype number and repository according to Sadowski and Hofmann (2023).
Original diagnosis/description
Eine gut erhaltene einblättrige, fünftheilige, grosse Blumenkrone, der die Staubblätter aufsitzen, von 28 mm. Durchmesser, der Stuartia Kowalwskii Casp., einer Gattung angehörig, die zu Ternstroemiaceen gehört, welche jetzt im südlichen Nordamerika vorkommt und der Camellie ähnlich ist.
Emended diagnosis
Sadowski, E. M. & Hofmann, C. C. (2023): The largest amber-preserved flower revisited. – Scientific Reports 13(17): [1]:
Petals fused at the base into a ring-like structure. Outer surface of ring covered with few long simple trichomes. Stamens numerous, almost as long as petals, arranged in three consecutive rows. Pollen tricolporate, occasionally tetracolporate, with short colpi (brevicolpate) and conspicuous vestibulate
apertures, exine is tectate, perforate and scabrate to verrucate (light microscopy; LM), and perforate to microreticulate on short columellae with occasionally occurring supratectal verrucae and echini (scanning electron microscopy; SEM).
Das ausgezeichnete Stück gehört Herrn Apotheker Kowalewski in Fischhausen.
Paleogene, Eocene, Priabonian
Blue Earth
Russian Federation
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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