Papillaephyllum Čep. et J.Kvaček
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003047
Authors: J. Čepičková & J. Kvaček
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Čepičková, J. & Kvaček, J. (2023): Papillaephyllum, a new genus of angiosperm foliage from the Cenomanian of the Czech Republic. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 319(104990): 1–11.
Page of description: 2
Original diagnosis/description
Simple narrowly elliptic serrate leaf. Leaf base symmetrical, acute; apex bluntly acute with terminal papilla. Chloranthoid teeth with terminal papilla. Distal flank of tooth concave to straight or retroflexed, proximal flank of tooth convex to straight. Venation pinnate with robust midrib, semicraspedodromous to festoonedsemicraspedodromous with reticulate tertiaries, occasionally craspedodromous. Chloranthoid tooth with large terminal papilla. Leaf hypostomatic. Adaxial cuticle bearing isodiametric, polygonal ordinary cells. Anticlinal walls straight to slightly curved. External surface smooth. Abaxial cuticle bearing polygonal ordinary cells with well-pronounced papillae. Guard cells with thickened anticlinal walls. Stomata laterocyclocytic, stephanocytic-bicyclic, stomatal axes randomly oriented; externally stomata protected by well-pronounced papillae forming wreaths around them. Papillae simple, rarely fused.
The epithet is derived from the most prominent micromorphological feature, namely the numerous papillae and from Greek phyllos, leaf.
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
Names associated with genus
Papillaephyllum labutae Čep. et J.Kvaček 2023
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