Nothophylica Beurel, Bachelier, A.R.Schmidt et Sadowski

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003070


Authors: S. Beurel, J. B. Bachelier, A. R. Schmidt & E. M. Sadowski

Rank: genus

Reference for this name: Beurel, S., Bachelier, J. B., Schmidt, A. R. & Sadowski, E. M. (2024): Novel three-dimensional reconstructions of presumed Phylica (Rhamnaceae) from Cretaceous amber suggest Lauralean affinities. – Nature Plants : 1–5., link

Page of description: 3


Phylica piloburmensis Shi, S.Wang et M.S.Engel in Shi, Dong, Zhang, Long, Tihelka, Song, Feng, Jiang, Cai, Lombard, Li, Yuan, Zhu, Yang, Liu, Xiang, Zhao, Long, Schneider, Zhang, Peng, Li, Fan, Engel, Wang & Spicer

Original diagnosis/description

Leaves slightly wider (1.5–2.0 mm wide, 4.5–8.0 mm long) and both ad- and abaxial sides covered with simple linear hairs. Flowers not single but forming a capitulum. Petals present. Fruit covered with dense indumentum. A complete description is provided in Supplementary Note 2.

Emended diagnosis

Inflorescence thyrsoid with successive dichasia. Flowers small, bisexual, with a floral cup and spiral phyllotaxis. Perianth undifferentiated with 10 to 11 tepals. Androecium with 9 to 10 outer stamens and 6 to 4 inner staminodes. Stamens with filaments flanked by a basal pair of stalked glands and bilocular, latero-introrse anthers, opening by two apical valvate flaps. Gynoecium with free upper half of ovary ending into slender style and inconspicuous stigma.


The new genus name indicates that the fossil is unrelated to the genus Phylica (Greek, nóthos: false, spurious).

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood

Names associated with genus

Nothophylica piloburmensis (Shi, S.Wang et M.S.Engel) Beurel, Bachelier, A.R.Schmidt et Sadowski 2024


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