Cycadodendron Luthardt, R.Rössler et D.W.Stev.
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003158
Authors: L. Luthardt, R. Rößler & D. W. Stevenson
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Luthardt, L., Rößler, R. & Stevenson, D. W. (2023): Cycadodendron galtieri gen. nov. et sp. nov.: an Early Permian gymnosperm stem with cycadalean affinity. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 184(9): 715–732.
Page of description: 718
Cycadodendron galtieri Luthardt, R.Rössler et D.W.Stev.
Original diagnosis/description
Slender stem with wide parenchymatouspith; primary vascular system consisting of densely arranged inter-connected medullary bundles scattered throughout the pith and cir-cularly arranged bundles in the pith periphery; metaxylem tracheidsof vascular bundles with multiseriate-bordered pits; successive vas-cular segments with centripetal xylem and centrifugal phloem; inner-most vascular segment with distinctly wider primary rays comparedto the outer segments; wide-lumen secondary xylem tracheidswith araucarioid-type pitting; medullary bundles obliquely tra-versing the vascular segment(s) through primary rays.
The name reflects the specimen’scycadaleanaf-finity in combination with the most conspicuous feature of abun-dant wood, which is typically associated with the tree growthhabit (-dendron).
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
Names associated with genus
Cycadodendron galtieri Luthardt, R.Rössler et D.W.Stev. 2023
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