Compitoxylon Gentis, De Franceschi et Boura in Gentis, Licht, De Franceschi, Win, Aung, Dupont-Nivet & Boura

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003257


Authors: N. Gentis, D. De Franceschi & A. Boura

Rank: genus

Reference for this name: Gentis, N., Licht, A., De Franceschi, D., Win, Z., Aung, D. W., Dupont-Nivet, G. & Boura, A. (2024): First fossil woods and palm stems from the mid‐Paleocene of Myanmar and implications for biogeography and wood anatomy. – American Journal of Botany 111(1): e16259., link

Page of description: 22


Compitoxylon paleocenicum Gentis, De Franceschi et Boura in Gentis, Licht, De Franceschi, Win, Aung, Dupont-Nivet & Boura

Original diagnosis/description

Wood diffuse‐porous. Scalariform perforation plates. Intervessel pits alternate, non‐vestured. Axial parenchyma diffuse to diffuse‐in‐aggregates. Rays uniseriate and multiseriate, >1 mm high, almost exclusively made of square and upright ray cells. Sheath cells present. Fibers non‐septate.


The name Compitoxylon comes from the Latin compitum for crossroad or intersection (referring to the anatomical features of the genus found in diverse, unrelated extant taxa) and the suffix ‐xylon used for fossil wood.

Plant fossil remain

fossil wood

Names associated with genus

Compitoxylon paleocenicum Gentis, De Franceschi et Boura in Gentis, Licht, De Franceschi, Win, Aung, Dupont-Nivet & Boura 2024


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