Parthenocissus rhombifolia (Ettingsh.) Kovar-Eder
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003322
Author: J. Kovar-Eder
Rank: species
Basionym: Acer rhombifolium Ettingsh.
Reference for this name: Kovar-Eder, J. (2024): Plant diversity at the final stage of the Miocene Climate Optimum - Revision of the flora of Leoben, Styria, Austria. – Acta Palaeobotanica 264(2): 123–286.
Page of description: 159
Types for basionym
Lectotype 1878/0006/4049, Ett. 2046, Pb 2105, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria
designated in Kovar-Eder, J. (2024): Plant diversity at the final stage of the Miocene Climate Optimum - Revision of the flora of Leoben, Styria, Austria. – Acta Palaeobot. 264(2): 123–286.
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003460
Figures: figs 7.20, 23.12
Previously published illustration or figures: pl. 5, fig. 5 in Ettingshausen, C. von (1869): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Tertiärflora Steiermark´s. – Sitzungsber. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Cl., Abt. 1 60: 17–100.
Original diagnosis/description
Flügelfrucht und Blatt. Erstere charakterisirt sich durch den schmalen Flügel, die unter sehr spitzem Winkel eingefügten feinen und genäherten Flügelnerven und die kleine rundliche Frucht. Das hieher gestellte Blatt ist rhombisch, nach beiden Enden gleichmäßig verschmälert, am Rande grobgezahnt, von deutlich derber lederartiger Textur. Die beiden seitlichen Basalnerven bilden mit dem Mediannerv sehr spitze Winkel.
Die Secundär- und Aüßennerven gehen unter Winkel von 30 bis 35° ab. Das Blatt nähert sieh am meisten dem von Acer sclerophyllum Heer, von dem es nur in der Form abweicht.
Emended diagnosis
Elliptic to obovate, somewhat asymmetrical (?) leaflet, base acute; margin entire near base, then asymmetrically simple serrate with few, big teeth; teeth bigger on one side than on the other; tooth shape variable, sinus angular, apex bluntly acute, (?) glandular; venation basal acrodromous with 3 major veins, near margin a further, more delicate vein developed; angle between major veins 25–30°; central main vein running into leaf apex, lateral main veins running into tooth apices; secondaries irregularly, widely spaced, angle of origin moderate, course straight to slightly curved, ending in tooth apices; branches of two adjacent secondaries may run into one tooth, merging in its apex; exmedial veinlets arising from lateral major veins and secondaries or their branches looping along margin; further venation reticulate.
Referring to the laminar shape.
Neogene, Miocene
Shales ~8.2 m above the coal seam , 14.9 ± 0.7 Ma (a tuff layer near the base of the shales overlying the coal seam)
Moskenberg near Leoben, Leoben Basin, Styria
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood - angiosperm
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