Sorbus egeriae Ettingsh.
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003335
Author: C. von Ettingshausen
Rank: species
Reference for this name: Ettingshausen, C. von (1888): Die fossile Flora von Leoben in der Steiermark. 1., 2. Teil. – Denkschriften der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, math.- naturwiss. Klasse 54: 261–384.
Page of description: 360
Illustrations or figures: pl. 9, fig. 15, 15a
Other combinations
Ternstroemites egeriae (Ettingsh.) Kovar-Eder 2024
Holotype NHMW 1878/0006/3849 + 3859 (Ett. 1846 + 1856), Pb 2095, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria
Figures: fig. 19.16
Previously published illustration or figures: pl. 9, fig. 15, 15a in Ettingshausen, C. von (1888): Die fossile Flora von Leoben in der Steiermark. 1., 2. Teil. – Denkschriften der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, math.- naturwiss. Klasse 54: 261–384.
Original diagnosis/description
S. foliolis petiolatis submembranaceis, ovato-oblongis, basi rotundatis, apice angustato acuminatis, margine minute serratis; nervatione camptodroma, nervo primario distincto, excurrente; nervis secundarii sub angulis 50—60° orientibus, tenuibus, subflexuosis, inter se remotis, apice furcatis; nervis tertiariis abbreviatis tenuissimis ramosis dictyodromis.
Emended diagnosis
Simple leaf, petiole thick, angular towards midvein, bent; lamina ovate to slender elliptic, small, base convex, apex long-acuminate, somewhat offset; margin regularly simple serrate, teeth small, probably theoid, tooth apices blunt, devoid of deciduous projections; secondaries considerably more
delicate than midvein.
Neogene, Miocene
Shales ~8.2 m above the coal seam, 14.9 ± 0.7 Ma (a tuff layer near the base of the shales overlying the coal seam).
Moskenberg near Leoben, Leoben Basin, Styria.
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood - angiosperm
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