Manchesteria Rozefelds et Stull in Rozefelds, Stull, Hayes & Greenwood
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003348
Authors: A. C. Rozefelds & G. W. Stull
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Rozefelds, A. C., Stull, G. W., Hayes, P. & Greenwood, D. R. (2021): The fossil record of Icacinaceae in Australia supports long-standing Palaeo-Antarctic rainforest connections in southern high latitudes. – Historical Biology 33(11): 2854–2864.
Page of description: 2857
Manchesteria australis Stull et Rozefelds in Rozefelds, Stull, Hayes & Greenwood
Original diagnosis/description
Endocarp unilocular, nearly circular in lateral view, with a rounded apex and base. Primary vascular strand entering the locule subapi-
cally. Endocarp surface ornamented with narrow, broadly spaced pits, corresponding to broad tubercles protruding shallowly into the locule cavity. Endocarp wall notably thick (ca. 1.4 mm), at least along the dorsoventral margin. Endocarp ca. 21.5 mm in length, ca. 19.6 mm in width.
The generic name, ‘Manchesteria’, is established in recognition of the extensive contributions of Steven R. Manchester to the field of palaeobotany over many years of research, including his invaluable guidance and generosity as a mentor, colleague, and collaborator.
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
Names associated with genus
Manchesteria australis Stull et Rozefelds in Rozefelds, Stull, Hayes & Greenwood 2021
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