Manchesteria australis Stull et Rozefelds in Rozefelds, Stull, Hayes & Greenwood

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003349


Authors: G. W. Stull & A. C. Rozefelds

Rank: species

Genus: Manchesteria Rozefelds et Stull in Rozefelds, Stull, Hayes & Greenwood

Reference for this name: Rozefelds, A. C., Stull, G. W., Hayes, P. & Greenwood, D. R. (2021): The fossil record of Icacinaceae in Australia supports long-standing Palaeo-Antarctic rainforest connections in southern high latitudes. – Historical Biology 33(11): 2854–2864.

Page of description: 2857

Illustrations or figures: fig. 2E, F

Name is type for

Manchesteria Rozefelds et Stull in Rozefelds, Stull, Hayes & Greenwood 2021


Holotype GSSA 6438 RS197/A, Geological Survey South Australia collections
Figures: fig. 2E

Original diagnosis/description

Endocarp unilocular, nearly circular in lateral view, with a rounded apex and base. Primary vascular strand entering the locule subapically. Endocarp surface ornamented with narrow, broadly spaced pits, corresponding to broad tubercles protruding shallowly into the locule cavity. Endocarp wall notably thick (ca. 1.4 mm), at least along the dorsoventral margin. Endocarp ca. 21.5 mm in length, ca. 19.6 mm in width


The specific epithetic, ‘australis’, Latin for ‘south’ or ‘southern’, was selected to highlight the geographic significance of the fossil material.


Paleogene, Eocene
Silcrete floras interpreted to be equivalent to the Eyre Formation (Alley et al. 1999), probably late Palaeocene to middle Eocene in age.


Site 2095/032/6 (Greenwood et al. 1990; Greenwood 1996), Poole Creek palaeochannel, 28° 38’S 137° 40ʹE, South Australia.

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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