Artisophyton chalmersii (Goodlet) C.J.Cleal, Strullu-Derr. et A.R.Spencer
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003374
Authors: C. J. Cleal, C. Strullu-Derrien & A. R. T. Spencer
Rank: species
Basionym: Megaphyton chalmersii Goodlet
Reference for this name: Cleal, C. J., Strullu-Derrien, C. & Spencer, A. R. T. (2024): Early coal swamp vegetation from the Serpukhovian lower Clackmannan Group of Scotland. – Fossil Imprint 80(1): 35–67.
Page of description: 47
Types for basionym
Holotype 1859.490.16, Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Figures: pl. 6, figs 1–3
Original diagnosis/description
Stem, preserved as cast in sandstone; 17.5 cm. long; 5 cm. broad; 4 cm. thick; transverse section rounded rectangular. Leaf scars 24 mm. wide and 15 mm. high; crescentic in form with the concavity upwards; arranged in two vertical opposite rows, the leaf scars of one row alternating with those in the other row; the vertical interval between scars in a row 6 cm.; leaf trace U-shaped with the concavity towards the main axis; leaf bases markedly decurrent, extending some 3 cm. below level of attachment. Internal structure probably a hollow cylindrical stele broken only by the emission of the leaf traces.
Carboniferous, Mississippian, Serpukhovian
Limestone Coal Group, between Mynheer Coal and Pittencrieff Blackband Ironstone
Actualised stratigraphy according to Cleal et al. (2024: Foss. Imp., 80(1): xx)
United Kingdom
Wallsend Pit, Elgin Colliery, near Dunfermline, Fife
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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