Onostrobus elongatus Rothwell et Stockey
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003376
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:3376
Authors: G. W. Rothwell & R. A. Stockey
Rank: species
Genus: Onostrobus Rothwell et Stockey
Reference for this name: Rothwell, G. W. & Stockey, R. A. (2024): Pinaceous evolution illuminated by additional diversity of Early Cretaceous seed cones. – Fossil Imprint 80(1): 1–8.
Page of description: 3
Illustrations or figures: text-figs 1–3
Name is type for
Onostrobus Rothwell et Stockey 2024
Holotype CASG 3,888, Geology Collections, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA
Figures: text-figs 1–3
Original diagnosis/description
Cone more than 16.1 cm long and 2.1 cm wide, with thin, foliate cone scales. Axis with parenchymatous pith and secondary xylem cylinder lacking resin canals; axis stele dissected by divergence of xylem to bract/scale complexes. Bract/scale complex vasculature of three traces forming inverted U-shape in scale base, opening out into single plane to become straight; dividing into several strands in scale base. Bract with at least one accompanying resin canal; bract trace of few loosely arranged tracheids. Large, apparently lysigenous canals in cone axis; two canals abaxial to vasculature of each bract/scale complex. Scales with prominent abaxial and adaxial bands of hypodermal sclerenchyma; resin canals abaxial, adaxial and between vascular bundles in ovuliferous scale. Embryos with ca. 8–9 cotyledons.
The specific epithet elongatus refers to the overall shape of the cone.
Cretaceous, Lower Cretaceous, Aptian
Upper Chickabally Member, Budden Canyon Formation; Bedoulian Stage
United States
Streambed located in the southwest corner of Section 12, T30N, R7W of the Ono Quadrangle, a short distance from the town of Ono California
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood - gymnosperm
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