Craspedodromophyllum boguchanicum M.Moiseeva, Kodrul et A.B.Herman
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000355
Authors: M. G. Moiseeva, T. M. Kodrul & A. B. Herman
Rank: species
Genus: Craspedodromophyllum P.R.Crane
Reference for this name: Moiseeva, M. G., Kodrul, T. M. & Herman, A. B. (2018): Early Paleogene Boguchan flora of the Amur Region (Russian Far East): Composition, age and palaeoclimatic implications. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 253: 15–36.
Page of description: 29
Illustrations or figures: fig. 4; pl. V, figs 3, 4, 10, 11
Holotype AB3-11, Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Figures: fig. 4C; pl. V, figs 3, 4
Original diagnosis/description
Leaves simple, petiolate, notophyll ormesophyll, length to width ratio about 2:1. Lamina elliptical or ovate, symmetrical. Laminar apex angle acute with straight apex shape, base angle obtuse with rounded shape. Primary venation pinnate, compound agrophic veins present. Major secondary veins alternate or occasionally opposite, craspedodromous with nearly regular spacing and uniform angle. Leaf margin unlobed and serrate. Tooth spacing regular with up to four orders of teeth. Sinus shape angular, tooth shapes typically flexuous/flexuous, sometimes straight/convex or concave/convex.
From Boguchan village.
Paleogene, Paleocene
Middle Tsagayan subformation
Russian Federation
Arkhara–Boguchan coal field (Zeya–Bureya Depression, Amur Region)
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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