Pistacioxylon ufukii Akkemik et I.Poole in Akkemik

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000361

Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:361

Authors: Ü. Akkemik & I. Poole

Rank: species

Reference for this name: Akkemik, Ü. (2019): Validation of four new plant fossil names from Turkey. – Fossil Imprint 75(2): 289–291.

Page of description: 291

Illustrations or figures: Text-fig. 1d


Holotype HAY05, Department of Forest Botany, Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Istanbul, Turkey
Figures: Text-fig. 1d

Note: Holotype figured also in Akkemik et al. (2018: Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 254: pls II, III).

Original diagnosis/description

Growth ring boundaries distinct and wood ring-porous. Earlywood vessels 1(–2) seriate and transition from earlywood to latewood is abrupt. Tyloses common in wider vessels. Latewood vessels occur in narrow dendritic pattern and clusters. Perforation plate simple. Rays 1–5 seriate and 6–12 per mm. Radial canals are common in rays and their number 1–3 per ray. Ray width generally 1–2 seriate (to 5 seriate around the radial canals). Ray height 5–20 cells. Rays heterocellular and body ray cells procumbent with mostly 1–4 rows of upright and/or square marginal cells (Akkemik et al. 2018).


The epithet ufukii originates from the name Ufuk. It is used in honor of Ufuk Akkemik, as he has been one of the most patient persons in my very hard
scientific life.


Neogene, Miocene
Earliest Miocene


Near the village of Çayraz in the Haymana Basin (Ankara) at 32° 33′ 49″ E and 39° 28′ 46″ N

Plant fossil remain

fossil wood



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