Kirchheimeria globulus (Menzel) R.Kowalski in Kowalski & Worobiec
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000371
Author: R. Kowalski
Rank: species
Basionym: Elaeocarpus globulus Menzel
Genus: Kirchheimeria R.Kowalski in Kowalski & Worobiec
Reference for this name: Kowalski, R. & Worobiec, E. (2018): Revision of Comarostaphylis globula (Ericaceae) from Cenozoic of Central Europe. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 254: 20–32.
Page of description: 21
Illustrations or figures: pls I-IV
Other combinations
Comarostaphylis globula (Menzel) Mai 1999
Types for basionym
Lectotype No. 680, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
designated in Mai, D. H. (1999): Beiträge zur Kenntnis einiger Holzgewächse im europäischen Tertiär. – Feddes Repert. 110(1–2): 37–72. on page 57
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000372
Figures: pl. V, fig. 1
Note: Specimen figured by Menzel (1906: Abh. Königl. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. N. F., 54: pl. 7, fig. 11 (right side)) (Mai 1999: Feddes Repert. 110(1–2): 57).
Epitype MZ VII/129/69, Polish Academy of Sciences Museum of the Earth in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
designated in Kowalski, R. & Worobiec, E. (2018): Revision of Comarostaphylis globula (Ericaceae) from Cenozoic of Central Europe. – Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 254: 20–32. on page 24
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000373
Figures: pl. I, fig. 1a–c
Stratigraphy: Neogene, Miocene
Middle Miocene, Adamów Formation
Locality: Poland
"Tomisławice” brown-coal open-pit mine near Konin (52° 27′ 17.774″ N, 18° 32′ 0.623″ E)
Original diagnosis/description
E. foliis coriaceis, breviter petiolatis, lanceolato-obovatis; basi sensim attenuatis, apice obtusatis, margine crenatis, basin versus integris; nervatione distincta; nervo primario valido, excurrente; nervis secundariis alternantibus vel suboppositis, angulis 60—70° egredientibus, hic illic furcatis, primo strictis, deinde sursum curvatis, camptodromis, ramulos externos camptodromos emittentibus, e quibus ramuli in dentes intrant; nervis secundariis incompletis saepe interpositis; nervis tertiariis ramosis, e nervo primario angulis acutis exeuntibus et secundariis fere parallelis, e nervis secundariis angulo subrecto orientibus, laqueos oblongos formantibus.
Fructibus drupaceis, globulosis; pericarpio verisimiliter coriaceo, putamine duro, sphaerico, quinqueloculari, longitudinaliter punctato.
Emended diagnosis
Emended diagnosis by Mai (1999: Feddes Repertorium 110(1-2): 57):
Fruits drupaceous, globous, with 5 (rarely 10) locules, big, 3.0–9.5 mm in diameter, with a ring-shaped, five- to six-lobed calyx basically, disc-like, central channel with the placenta in the upper third, rounded stylus apically, short, rnammillate. Epicarp coriaceous, shining at the surface; mesocarp papillate, loose, decaying; endocarp parenchymatous; dehiscence loculicid into 5 (~10) segments, but only after strong pressure. Seeds singular, in the dimension of the locule, nearly oval, flattened, anatropous, with a thin, one-layered testa, surface of the testa reticulate-striped, foveolate, connected with the drupa.
Emended diagnosis by Kowalski, R. & Worobiec, E. (2018: Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 254: 24):
Fruits globular to ellipsoidal (Plate I, 1a, 2; Plate VI, 3), 3–10 mm long and 3–9 mm wide, calyx five-sepalous (Plate I, 3), very short, sepals bradly ovate; discus present; pedicel slender, short up to 1/3 of the fruit length, pendulous (Plate I, 2; Plate VI, 3); Stigma subsessile, lobed, lobes very short (Plate I, 1a–1c; Plate IV, 1b). Exocarp smooth, opaque (Plate I, 1a, 2); Mesocarp very thin, up to three cell layers thick (Plate II, 1b), thicker only at the base of the fruit (Plate II, 1a).The endocarp's wall is composed of isodiametric or relatively large and slightly elongated cells 150–250 μm wide (Plate II, 1c,
2). Locules fused into single, 5–7 (rarely 10) locular stone (Plate III, 1a), arranged around cylinder of the central vascular bundle (Plate II, 1a), which continues to 2/3 of the fruit length and further diverges into smaller strands (Plate II, 1a, 2). Locules one-seeded. Seeds flat, dshaped, up to 4.0 mm long and 2.5 mm wide (Plate II, 1a). The seed coat is delicate, being one cell thick, with epidermal cells isodiametric to slightly elongated, with prominent anticlinal walls and smooth, concave periclinal walls (Plate II, 3).
After the globe-shaped form, lat. “globdus“. [from Mai 1999: Feddes Repertorium 110(1-2): 57]
Neogene, Miocene
middle Miocene, 2nd Lusatian coal seam, upper part of the Brieske Formation, Welzow Member [according to Kowalski, R. & Worobiec, E. (2018): Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 254: 24]
“Guerrini” brown-coal open-pit mine near Vetschau, Lower Lusatia [according to Kowalski, R. & Worobiec, E. (2018): Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 254: 24]
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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