Podocarpoxylon communis I.Poole et Cantrill

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000392

Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:392

Authors: I. Poole & D. J. Cantrill

Rank: species

Reference for this name: Poole, I. & Cantrill, D. J. (2001): Fossil Woods From Williams Point Beds, Livingston Island, Antarctica: A Late Cretaceous Southern High Latitude Flora. – Palaeontology 44(6): 1081–1112.

Page of description: 1092

Illustrations or figures: pl. 3, figs 3–6


Holotype P. 3055.218, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Figures: pl. 3, figs 3–6

Original diagnosis/description

Secondary wood with tracheids that have predominantly uniseriate rows of podocarpoid pits on the radial walls. Pit contiguity is low 1.6–3.4. Cross-field regions with 1–3, rarely four pits; where two pits are present they are opposite or oblique and only rarely vertically arranged.


Latin, communis, in reference to the abundance of this taxon with respect to other coniferous morphotypes within this flora.


Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous
Williams Point Beds, age-range of Cenomanian–early Campanian


ash-rich horizon outcropping between two large hydroclastic vents on Williams Point, Livingston Island, 62°28.5′S, 60°8.2′W

Plant fossil remain

fossil wood


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