Antarctoxylon uniperforatum I.Poole et Cantrill
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000398
Authors: I. Poole & D. J. Cantrill
Rank: species
Reference for this name: Poole, I. & Cantrill, D. J. (2001): Fossil Woods From Williams Point Beds, Livingston Island, Antarctica: A Late Cretaceous Southern High Latitude Flora. – Palaeontology 44(6): 1081–1112.
Page of description: 1106
Illustrations or figures: pl. 10, figs 1–5
Holotype P. 3055.20, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Figures: pl. 10, figs 1–5
Original diagnosis/description
Vessels more or less circular, solitary, paired and in short radial groups, small to large in diameter. Perforation plates simple, very rarely scalariform with a maximum of three wide bars. Intervessel pitting mainly alternate, rarely opposite to scalariform. Vessel-ray pitting circular to horizontally elongate. Rays 1–3 cells wide, majority < 500 μm in height, occasionally axially united.
After the characteristic abundance of simple perforation plates.
Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous
Williams Point Beds, age-range of Cenomanian–early Campanian
ash-rich horizon outcropping between two large hydroclastic vents on Williams Point, Livingston Island, 62°28.5′S, 60°8.2′W
Plant fossil remain
fossil wood
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