Itaquixylon Benicio, E.F.Pires, Da Rosa, Spiekermann, D.Uhl et Jasper
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000004
Authors: J. R. W. Benicio, E. F. Pires, Á. A. S. Da Rosa, R. Spiekermann, D. Uhl & A. Jasper
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Benicio, J. R. W., Pires, E. F., Da Rosa, Á. A. S., Spiekermann, R., Uhl, D. & Jasper, A. (2016): A new fossil Fabaceae wood from the Pleistocene Touro Passo Formation of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. – Fossil Imprint 72(3–4): 251–264.
Page of description: 253
Itaquixylon heterogenum Benicio, E.F.Pires, Da Rosa, Spiekermann, D.Uhl et Jasper
Original diagnosis/description
Angiosperm wood, diffuse porosity, numerous vessels in tangential bands; vessels generally solitary, sometimes in radial multiples of 3 to 5, circular to oval in outline, with narrow diameter and short length, helical thickenings absent, tyloses present; simple perforation plates; alternate intervessel pits, vestured, circular, small with lenticular irregular aperture slightly oblique; vessel-ray pits and vessel-parenchyma pits bordered; libriform fibres, non-septate, extremely short and narrow, with simple minute pits; paratracheal axial parenchyma, vasicentric and scanty and apotracheal axial parenchyma diffuse; rays are nume. rous, exclusively heterocellular, composed of procumbent and square marginal cells, short and extremely narrow, simple pits of minute size; mostly uniseriate, less frequently biseriate and triseriate, rarely tetraseriate; aggregate rays are absent.
Generic name, Itaquixylon, refers to Itaqui city, where the type species was found.
Plant fossil remain
fossil wood
Names associated with genus
Itaquixylon heterogenum Benicio, E.F.Pires, Da Rosa, Spiekermann, D.Uhl et Jasper 2016
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