Kvacekispermum costatum E.M.Friis, P.R.Crane et K.R.Pedersen
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000457
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:457
Authors: E. M. Friis, P. R. Crane & K. R. Pedersen
Rank: species
Genus: Kvacekispermum E.M.Friis, P.R.Crane et K.R.Pedersen
Reference for this name: Friis, E. M., Crane, P. R. & Pedersen, K. R. (2019): The Early Cretaceous mesofossil flora of Torres Vedras (NE of Forte da Forca), Portugal: a palaeofloristic analysis of an early angiosperm community. – Fossil Imprint 75(2): 153–257.
Page of description: 183
Illustrations or figures: Text-fig. 19a–c
Holotype S174098, Palaeobotanical Collections, Department of Palaeobiology, the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden
Figures: Text-fig. 19a
Note: Holotype is from (Torres Vedras sample 38.
Paratype: S174099 (Torres Vedras sample 38) housed in Palaeobotanical Collections, Department of Palaeobiology, the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden.
Original diagnosis/description
Seeds tiny, broadly obovate in lateral view and almost circular in transverse section with an uneven surface of the endotesta formed from numerous
longitudinal ridges separated by shallow depressions. Endotesta comprised of a single layer of palisade-shaped cells with densely spaced crystals and fibrous infillings.
From Latin: costatus referring to longitudinal ridges on the surface of the endotesta.
Cretaceous, Lower Cretaceous
Lower member of the Almargem Formation; Early Cretaceous (late Barremian-early Aptian)
Torres Vedras (NE of Forte de Forca; 39°06′13″ N, 9°14′47″ W)
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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