Goczania E.M.Friis, P.R.Crane et K.R.Pedersen
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000461
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:461
Authors: E. M. Friis, P. R. Crane & K. R. Pedersen
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Friis, E. M., Crane, P. R. & Pedersen, K. R. (2019): The Early Cretaceous mesofossil flora of Torres Vedras (NE of Forte da Forca), Portugal: a palaeofloristic analysis of an early angiosperm community. – Fossil Imprint 75(2): 153–257.
Page of description: 195
Goczania rugosa E.M.Friis, P.R.Crane et K.R.Pedersen
Original diagnosis/description
Stamens short, broad, dithecate and tetrasporangiate. Inner surface of anther wall with densely arranged orbicules. Orbicules small, spherical with
microechinate surface. Pollen small, oblate, circular to elliptical in equatorial outline, monocolpate with a simple colpus. Exine tectate with a smooth to slightly rugulate surface. Supratectal ornamentation microechinate, composed of solitary microechinae. Infratectal layer granular. Colpus margin irregular, distinct.
In honor of the Hungarian palynologist Ferenc Góczan in recognition of his important contribution to Cretaceous palynology.
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
Names associated with genus
Goczania rugosa E.M.Friis, P.R.Crane et K.R.Pedersen 2019
Goczania inaequalis E.M.Friis, P.R.Crane et K.R.Pedersen 2019
Goczania punctata E.M.Friis, P.R.Crane et K.R.Pedersen 2019
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