Itaquixylon heterogenum Benicio, E.F.Pires, Da Rosa, Spiekermann, D.Uhl et Jasper

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000005


Authors: J. R. W. Benicio, E. F. Pires, Á. A. S. Da Rosa, R. Spiekermann, D. Uhl & A. Jasper

Rank: species

Genus: Itaquixylon Benicio, E.F.Pires, Da Rosa, Spiekermann, D.Uhl et Jasper

Reference for this name: Benicio, J. R. W., Pires, E. F., Da Rosa, Á. A. S., Spiekermann, R., Uhl, D. & Jasper, A. (2016): A new fossil Fabaceae wood from the Pleistocene Touro Passo Formation of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. – Fossil Imprint 72(3–4): 251–264.

Page of description: 254

Illustrations or figures: text-fig. 3, pl. 1, figs 1-6, pl. 2, figs 1-6

Name is type for

Itaquixylon Benicio, E.F.Pires, Da Rosa, Spiekermann, D.Uhl et Jasper 2016


Original diagnosis/description

Angiosperm wood, diffuse porosity, numerous vessels in tangential bands; vessels generally solitary, sometimes in radial multiples of 3 to 5, circular to oval in outline, with narrow diameter and short length, helical thickenings absent, tyloses present; simple perforation plates; alternate intervessel pits, vestured, circular, small with lenticular irregular aperture slightly oblique; vessel-ray pits and vessel-parenchyma pits bordered; libriform fibres, non-septate, extremely short and narrow, with simple minute pits; paratracheal axial parenchyma, vasicentric and scanty and apotracheal axial parenchyma diffuse; rays are nume. rous, exclusively heterocellular, composed of procumbent and square marginal cells, short and extremely narrow, simple pits of minute size; mostly uniseriate, less frequently biseriate and triseriate, rarely tetraseriate; aggregate rays are absent.


The specific name, heterogenum, is due to the presence of heterocellular rays.


Quarternary, Pleistocene
Touro Passo Formation


Itaqui city, Rio Grande do Sul State (29º23'55.9"S/56º42'05.9"W)

Plant fossil remain

fossil wood


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