Battenispermum hirsutum M.M.Mendes, K.R.Pedersen et E.M.Friis

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000542


Authors: M. M. Mendes, K. R. Pedersen & E. M. Friis

Rank: species

Genus: Battenispermum M.M.Mendes, K.R.Pedersen et E.M.Friis

Reference for this name: Mendes, M. M., Pedersen, K. R. & Friis, E. M. (2020): Battenispermum hirsutum gen. et sp. nov., a new Early Cretaceous seed from Portugal with chlamydospermous organisation. – Cretaceous Research 109: 104376.

Page of description: 5

Illustrations or figures: figs 2–4

Name is type for

Battenispermum M.M.Mendes, K.R.Pedersen et E.M.Friis 2020


Holotype P0355, Geological Museum of Lisbon, Portugal
Figures: figs 2A, H, I, 3A–D

Note: Holotype from sample Catefica 321

Paratypes: S156539 (sample Catefica 343); P0266 (sample Catefica 158); P0630 (sample Catefica 337); P0631 (sample Catefica 346). Other material: S175224 (sample Buarcos 209); S175446 (sample Buarcos 211); S172652 (sample Buarcos 243).
Paratypes are housed in the Geological Museum of Lisbon (P numbers) and in the palaeobotanical collections of the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm (S numbers).

Original diagnosis/description

Compound ovulate structures with three seeds partially surrounded by an outer cup formed from four bracts, fused for most of their length. Seeds small and orthotropous, each with nucellus surrounded by a thin integument, a sclerenchymatic seed envelope, and an additional envelope of four, partly fused inner bracts with free, projecting apices. Abaxial surfaces of bracts with dense indumentum of long, erect and stiff trichomes. Apex of nucellus composed of thin-walled cells and with a deep depression (probable pollen chamber). Integument extended apically into a long micropylar tube. Seed envelope broadly elliptical in lateral view, three- or four-angled in transverse section. Inner seed envelope with an inner layer of elongate fibres and an outer zone of thin-walled, angular cells forming a faint chevron-like pattern in longitudinal sections; outer surface almost smooth. A single elliptical structure present on each face of the inner seed envelope.


From latin hirsutus for the rough covering of long, stiff hairs.


Cretaceous, Lower Cretaceous
Almargem Formation, Aptian–lower Albian


Catefica outcrop section, close to the Torres Vedras locality, Estremadura region, western Portugal (39° 03′ 14.4″ N; 09° 14′ 24.1″ W).

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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