Cercioxylon zeynepae Akkemik
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000548
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:548
Author: Ü. Akkemik
Rank: species
Genus: Cercioxylon Akkemik
Reference for this name: Akkemik, Ü. (2019): Validation of four new plant fossil names from Turkey. – Fossil Imprint 75(2): 289–291.
Page of description: 290
Illustrations or figures: Text-fig. 1b
Name is type for
Cercioxylon Akkemik 2019
Holotype YIP02, Department of Forest Botany, Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Istanbul, Turkey
Figures: Text-fig. 1b
Note: Holotype figured also in Akkemik (2019: Turkish Journal of Earth Science, 28: pls V, VI) – see Akkemik (2019: Fossil Imprint, 75(2): 290).
Original diagnosis/description
Wood semiring to ring porous, vessels in radial multiples and clusters common, axial parenchyma paratracheal to vasicentric and in confluent type,
perforation plate simple, banded, and in dendritic to netlike groups with vessels, and axial parenchyma storied, 2–4 cells per parenchyma strands, ray 1–5 seriate (generally 2–4 seriate), multiseriate ray height generally 18–27 (max. 56) cells, and uniseriate rays 5–15 cells. All rays procumbent or body ray cells procumbent with one to four square marginal cells, vestured ray pits common.
The epithet zeynepae originates from the name Zeynep. It is used in honor of my wife as she has been the most patient life-partner throughout my scientific life.
Neogene, Pliocene
Örencik Formation (Yörük member).
Close to the village of Yıprak in the district of Çerkeş, province of Çankırı.
Plant fossil remain
fossil wood
the genus Cercioxylon was nomen nudum in that time.
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