Icacinanthium Del Rio et De Franceschi in Del Rio, Haevermans & De Franceschi
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000550
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:550
Authors: C. Del Rio (as Del Rio) & D. De Franceschi (as De Franceschi)
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Del Rio, C., Haevermans, T. & De Franceschi, D. (2017): First record of an Icacinaceae Miers fossil flower from Le Quesnoy (Ypresian, France) amber. – Scientific Reports 7(11099): 1–7.
Page of description: 11099: p. 1
Icacinanthium tainiaphorum Del Rio et De Franceschi in Del Rio, Haevermans & De Franceschi
Original diagnosis/description
Flower small, actinomorphic, hypogynous and pentamerous. Calyx cupular, Petals lanceolate curved backwards, with a straight apex, fused at base in a short cup, tomentose on adaxial surface with long, simple flattened hairs with granular ornamentation, glabrous on abaxial surface. Stamens alternate to petals, free. Pollen small, triaperturate and echinate.
“Icacinanthium” indicates the familial affinity to Icacinaceae (Icaci-) and that it is a flower (L = Anthos, flower).
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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