Iodes acuta C.Del Rio et De Franceschi in Del Rio, Stull & De Franceschi

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000558


Authors: C. Del Rio & D. De Franceschi (as De Franceschi)

Rank: species

Reference for this name: Del Rio, Stull & De Franceschi (2019): New species of Iodes fruits (Icacinaceae) from the early Eocene Le Quesnoy locality, Oise, France. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 262: 60–71.

Page of description: 64

Illustrations or figures: fig. 1.13–24


Holotype MNHN.F.44571., Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France
Figures: fig. 1.13–17

Note: paratypes: MNHN.F.44551., 44553., 44554., 44576., 44605., 44614., 44634., 44668., 44682., 44687., 44696., 44700., 44701., 44704., 44705., 44718., 44719.

Original diagnosis/description

Endocarp bilaterally symmetrical, unilocular, singleseeded, elliptical to ovate,with a reticulate pattern of sharp and sinuous ridges, which delimit about 17 polygonal areoles on each face with few or no freely ending ridgelets. A keel surrounds the endocarp in the plane of symmetry with the thicker margin containing a vascular bundle embedded in the endocarp wall. Endocarp possessing an apical outgrowth composed of the main ridge that runs from the base up to the apex and a protuberance from the keel merged. Endocarp wall about 0.08–0.19 mm thick excluding ridges (0.18–0.39mm including ridges). Inner endocarp surface densely covered with regularly spaced more or less punctuated and sessile rounded papillae. Length of endocarp about 5.8–8.0 mm, width about 3.61–5.42 mm.


From acutus (L= sharpened, made sharp) in reference of the shape of ridges.


Paleogene, Eocene, Ypresian


Le Quesnoy, Oise

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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