Mastixia occidentalis (E.W.Berry) Huegele et Manchester

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000572


Authors: I. B. Huegele & S. R. Manchester

Rank: species

Basionym: Phoenicites occidentalis E.W.Berry

Reference for this name: Huegele, I. B. & Manchester, S. R. (2019): Newly recognized diversity of fruits and seeds from the Late Paleogene flora of Trinity County, East Texas, USA. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 180(7): 681–708.

Page of description: 687

Types for basionym

Holotype USNM 38340, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., United States
Figures: fig. 1

Note: Berry (1914: 406) states "The type is shown in the accompanying text figures (fig. 1)...", which statment is necessary to accept as holotype designation.

Specimen refigured by Berry, E. W. (1924: US Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 92: pl. 28, figs 8–10) and Huegele, Manchester (2019: Int. J. Plant Sci., 180(7): fig. 4A).

Inventory no. according to Huegele, Manchester (2019: Int. J. Plant Sci., 180(7): 687).

Lectotype USNM 38340, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., United States
designated in Huegele, I. B. & Manchester, S. R. (2019): Newly recognized diversity of fruits and seeds from the Late Paleogene flora of Trinity County, East Texas, USA. – Int. J. Pl. Sci. 180(7): 681–708. on page 687
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000586
Figures: 4A

Note: This lectotype designation is invalid because the same specimen has already been chosen as the type by Hollick (1914).

Original diagnosis/description

Fruit, as preserved in a coarse gray sandstone, an oblate spheroid about 4 cm in length by 1.5 cm in breadth. The surface is longitudinally wrinkled, due possibly to desiccation before preservation, which may also make the dimensions as given probably under what they were in life. The flesh was relatively thin compared with that of the cultivated elate and must have been of considerable consistency and fibrous rather than of the soft and almost fluid character of some of the modern varieties of the latter. The seed was relatively large—in the above mentioned specimen it is rounded at both ends, about 3 cm in length, nearly circular in transverse section and about 1 cm in diameter. A smaller specimen shows a length of about 2.5 cm and a diameter of 8 mm. The larger of these seeds shows the central hilum, the deep longitudinal sinus on the opposite side, the transverse lamellated structure exactly comparable to that of a modern date seed and the finely corrugated surface coat identical with that of a dried seed of a modern date. The smaller specimen, while not so perfect, shows the general form and sinus and the lamellated structure.

Emended diagnosis

Huegele, Manchester (2019: Int. J. Plant Sci. 180(7): 687):
Endocarp unilocular, ellipsoidal, basally and apically rounded, frequently pointed at extreme apex, smooth to faintly grooved, 22–29 mm (typically ca. 25 mm) long and 13–16 mm (typically ca. 15mm) wide, and circular to rarely elliptical in transverse section. Endocarp wall 1.3mmthick. Locule boat-shaped (fig. 4A) with rounded limbs, intruded by a longitudinally elongate dorsal infold.


Paleogene, Eocene
Whitsett Formation (according to Huegele, Manchester (2019: Int. J. Plant Sci., 180(7): 682)

Hollick (1914) stated that the material originated from "Catahoula formation, which in this region is of late Eocene or early Oligocene age". But Huegele, Manchester (2019) corrected this opinion: "Although previously suggested to derive from the Catahoula Formation, current mapping suggests that this flora was collected from the Whitsett Formation and is likely of late Eocene age".


United States
Trinity county, Texas; a cut on the International and Great Northern Railroad in southern Trinity county, where a spur to the Government Lock leaves the main line (according to Hollick 1914).

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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