Yua texana Huegele et Manchester
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000582
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:582
Authors: I. B. Huegele & S. R. Manchester
Rank: species
Reference for this name: Huegele, I. B. & Manchester, S. R. (2019): Newly recognized diversity of fruits and seeds from the Late Paleogene flora of Trinity County, East Texas, USA. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 180(7): 681–708.
Page of description: 699
Illustrations or figures: Figs. 11B, C
Holotype USNM 722035, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., United States
Figures: Fig. 11B
Note: Paratype: USNM 722040 (Fig. 11C).
Original diagnosis/description
Seed cordate, 7–8 mm long, 5 mm wide (tapering to ca. 3 mm base), 1.6–2.3 mm thick, with a pair of ventral infolds and a sunken, slightly elliptical or pyriform chalazal scar (ca. 2.2 mm in diameter; fig. 11B3) and prominent transverse ribbing (fig. 11B1, 11C1). Ventral infolds run nearly the full length of the seed, concave toward the seed’s lateral edges, and are widely divergent apically (fig. 11B1). Seed coat 0.16– 0.44 mm thick, with a broad raphal ridge between two uniform ventral infolds in cross section.
Named after the state of Texas, the type locality of this species.
Paleogene, Eocene
Whitsett Formation
United States
Trinity, Texas (USNM loc. 44273)
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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