Catanthus E.M.Friis, P.R.Crane et K.R.Pedersen

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000593


Authors: E. M. Friis, P. R. Crane & K. R. Pedersen

Rank: genus

Reference for this name: Friis, E. M., Crane, P. R. & Pedersen, K. R. (2020): Catanthus, an extinct magnoliid flower from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 182(online): 28–45.

Page of description: 30


Catanthus dolichostemon E.M.Friis, P.R.Crane et K.R.Pedersen

Original diagnosis/description

Flower pedicellate, structurally bisexual, whorled. Floral receptacle shallow. Perianth of nine tepals in three whorls of three. Three outer tepals thick, sepal-like, imbricate, and covering the inner perianth parts. Six tepals of the two inner whorls free, petallike, with a thin blade; outer petaloid tepals with a narrow base; inner petaloid tepals with a broad base. Androecium probably of 18 stamens in several whorls. Stamens with long, broad, and fleshy bases and short triangular anthers. Anthers dithecate and tetrasporangiate, with a broad connective that tapers into an apical extension; dehiscence extrorse. Anther wall with an inner lining of small spherical orbicules. Pollen circular in polar view, monoaperturate, trichotomocolpate, and monocolpate, with a distinct aperture margin and granular aperture membrane. Tectum perforate, coarsely rugulate; infratectal layer probably columellate. Gynoecium superior, apocarpous, of six carpels (rarely five), each with a restricted stigma.


From part of Catefica (Cat) and anthos (Greek for flower), indicating that the flower is from the Catefica fossil locality.

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood

Names associated with genus

Catanthus dolichostemon E.M.Friis, P.R.Crane et K.R.Pedersen 2020


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