Arceuthobium mengeanum (Göpp.) Sadowski, Seyf., C.A.Wilson, Calvin et A.R.Schmidt
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000605
Authors: E. M. Sadowski, L. J. Seyfullah, C. A. Wilson, C. L. Calvin & A. R. Schmidt
Rank: species
Basionym: Ephedra mengeana Göpp.
Reference for this name: Sadowski, E. -M., Seyfullah, L. J., Wilson, C. A., Calvin, C. L. & Schmidt, A. R. (2017): Diverse early dwarf mistletoes ( Arceuthobium ), ecological keystones of the Eocene Baltic amber biota. – American Journal of Botany 104(5): 694–718.
Page of description: 699
Other combinations
Patzea mengeana (Göpp.) Conw. 1886
Types for basionym
Holotype n/n
Figures: pl. XVI, figs 248–250
Note: Göppert (1883: Von den Bernstein-Coniferen, insbesondere auch in ihren Beziehungen zu den Coniferen der Gegenwart, p. 48) specified that the type is from Menge's amber collection ("Bernstein-Sammlung von Menge"). According to Sadowski et al. (2017: Am. J. Bot., 104(5): 699) the type specimen is lost.
The holotype is re-figured by by Conwentz (1886: Die Angiospermen des Bernsteins, pl. XIII, figs 15-20) and his figures are reproduced by Sadowski et al. (2017: Am. J. Bot.,104(5): fig. 1H–M).
Conwentz (1886: Die Angiospermen des Bernsteins, p. 138) mentioned that "…später habe ich dasselbe [i.e. Amber specimen with holotype] in der Mitte der Länge nach durchgeschnitten. Fig. 16 zeigt den auf der linken Seite dieses Stückes enthaltenen Einschluss fünfmal vergrössert."
Original diagnosis/description
E. ramis articulatis aphyllis, articulis aequalibus cylindricis substriatis approximatis, amentis femineis 3—5 verticillatis, ovulis elongatis basin versus attenuatis snbsessilibus, longitudine fere articuli.
emended diagnosis [Conwentz (1886): Die Angiospermen des Bernsteins, p. 138]
Inflorescentiae racemosae rudimento, pedunculo teretiusculo riraoso glabro, bracteis late ovatis acutis integris semi-amplexicaulibus decussatis, floribus ternis ebracteolatis pedicellis teretiusculis tenuioribus articulatis tubo longe-ellipsoideo limbo obsolete quadrifido laciniis ovato-oblongis conniventibus, stigmate quadrilobo prominulo apice couoideo.
emended diagnosis [Sadowski et al. (2017): Am. J. Bot., 104(5): 699]
Internode cross section terete to angular. Bracts two-paired, decussate, squamate, broadly ovate, entire, apex acute. At least four fruits per node, 3.4–4 mm long, elongated-elliptic, divided, distal portion 25–50% of total fruit, distal zone with adnate 4-merous perianth; stigma 5-lobed.
Baltic amber derives from Priabonian to Lutetian sediments. (according to Sadowski et al. (2017: Am. J. Bot., 104(5): 699)
Baltic Sea coast
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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