Bayeritheca hughesii J.Kvaček et Pacltová

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000829


Authors: J. Kvaček & B. Pacltová

Rank: species


Reference for this name: Kvaček, J. & Pacltová, B. (2001): Bayeritheca hughesii gen. et sp. nov., a new Eucommiidites-bearing pollen organ from the Cenomanian of Bohemia. – Cretaceous Research 22: 695–704.

Page of description: 697

Illustrations or figures: Figs 1–7


Holotype F 2162, F 2106 (part and counter part), National Museum, Prague, the Czech Republic
Figures: Fig. 1A, B

Original diagnosis/description

Pollen organ consisting of about 180–200 peltate microsporangiate units on a massive stalk and an angular, flattened, and slightly concave head bearing trichomes and centrally arranged mucronate tubercules. Synangia borne radially on the distal part of the stalk. Pollen sacs elongate. Pollen grains of the Eucommiidites-type: bisymmetrical; circular or subcircular in polar view, elongate oval in equatorial view; heteropolar with a straight distal sulcus and two
lateral curved furrows that occasionally join at one end to form a single furrow. Distal surface flattened, proximal face convex.


In honour of the English palaeobotanist Norman F. Hughes (1918–1994) who significantly improved our knowledge of angiosperms, and their possible ancestors, and clearly indicated the gymnospermous affinity of Eucommiidites (Hughes 1961).


Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous, Cenomanian
Peruc-Korycany Formation


Czech Republic
Břežany II

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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