Zingiberopsis L.Hickey
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000836
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:836
Author: L. Hickey
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Hickey, Leo J. (1977): Stratigraphy and paleobotany of the Golden Valley Formation (Early Tertiary) of western North Dakota. – Memoirs of the Geological Society of America 150: 1–181, 55 pls.
Page of description: 115
Zingiberopsis isonervosa L.Hickey
Original diagnosis/description
Leaves large, elliptic to ovate; apex acuminate; margin entire; midrib extends no more than three-fourths of the way to the apex; secondaries all of equal thickness, numerous, closely spaced, parallel, and diverging from the midvein at acute angles; tertiary veins thin, connecting two adjacent secondaries, and relatively distant in their spacing.
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
Names associated with genus
Zingiberopsis isonervosa L.Hickey 1977
Zingiberopsis rigauensis Erw.Knobloch 1979
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