Culcita remberi Pinson, Manchester et Sessa

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001004


Authors: J. B. Pinson, S. R. Manchester & E. B. Sessa

Rank: species

Reference for this name: Pinson, J. B., Manchester, S. R. & Sessa, E. B. (2018): Culcita remberi sp. nov., an understory fern of Cyatheales from the Miocene of Northern Idaho. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 179(8): 635–639.

Page of description: 636

Illustrations or figures: figs 1, 2D, F


Original diagnosis/description

The fossil is a fragment of a fertile leaf approximately 3 cm in width and 7 cm in length. The fragment is at least twice pinnate and the margins entire. Pinnules are deltoid and taper slightly toward the apex of the fragment. The adaxial surface of the rachis is grooved. Sori are oblong and marginal,
attached to a single prominent vein and with an indusium composed partially of laminar tissue. The sori are located exclusively one per pinnule lobe. Sporangia have an oblique, complete annulus composed of approximately 34 cells. Spores are trilete and unornamented and are approximately 30 μm in width.


We name this species after the discoverer of the fossil, William C. Rember, who has worked extensively on the Clarkia Beds since their initial discovery.


Neogene, Miocene
Clarkia fossil beds


United States
Emerald Creek locality known as University of Idaho P-37 (UF locality 18630, 47°01.972'N 116°20.307'W), in an excavation adjacent to the Rember residence, Benewah County, Idaho

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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