Maiaspora: the hallmark of gleichenioid ferns (Gleicheniales) from the early Carboniferous

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Authors: D. A. Mamontov, D. McLean & O. A. Gavrilova

Full citation: Mamontov, D. A., McLean, D. & Gavrilova, O. A. (2024): Maiaspora: the hallmark of gleichenioid ferns (Gleicheniales) from the early Carboniferous. – Papers in Palaeontology 10(3): e1561 (1–42).

Published: 2024-06

Journal: Papers in Palaeontology

Volume: 10

Issue: 3

Pages: e1561 (1–42)

Journal publisher: The Palaeontological Association

DOI: 10.1002/spp2.1561

New names or combinations

Maiaspora concava (M.A.Butterworth et R.W.Williams) D.A.Mamontov et D.McLean in Mamontov, McLean & Gavrilova 2024


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