Otkrytie drevneyshikh dvudol'nykh pokrytosemennykh i ekvivalentov potomakskikh sloyev na Suchane v Ussuriyskom krae
Original title: Открытие древнейших двудольных покрытосеменных и эквивалентов потомакских слоев на Сучане в Уссурийском крае [= The discovery of the oldest dicotyledons of Asia in the equivalents of the Potomac Group in Suchan, Ussuriland, Siberia]
Reference LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:ref:651
Author: A. N. Kryshtofovich
Full citation: Kryshtofovich, A. N. (1929): Otkrytie drevneyshikh dvudol'nykh pokrytosemennykh i ekvivalentov potomakskikh sloyev na Suchane v Ussuriyskom krae. – Izvestiya Geologicheskogo Komiteta 48(9): 1357–1390.
Published: 1929
Journal: Izvestiya Geologicheskogo Komiteta
Volume: 48
Issue: 9
Pages: 1357–1390
Journal publisher: Geologicheskiy Komitet, St. Petersburg, Russia
New names or combinations
Aralia lucifera Krysht. 1929
Pandanophyllum Krysht. 1929 nom. illeg., non Pandanophyllum Hassk., Tijdschr. Natuurl. Gesch. Physiol. 9(2-3): 118 (1843)
Pandanophyllum ahnertii Krysht. 1929
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