University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, USA

Type specimens

Holotype UCMP 151875 for Concavistylon kvacekii Manchester, Pigg et DeVore

Holotype UCMP 201235 for Trochodendron postnastae Manchester, Pigg et DeVore

Syntype UCMP1831, UCMP 1832 for Platanus dissecta Lesq.

Lectotype UCMP 1831 for Platanus dissecta Lesq.
designated in Huegele, I. B., Spielbauer, R. & Manchester, S. R. (2020): Morphology and systematic affinities of Platanus dissecta Lesquereux (Platanaceae) from the Miocene of North America. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 181(3): 324–341.

Holotype 3617 for Mahonia obliqua MacGinitie

Holotype UCMP 3170 for Ilex sinuata R.W.Chaney et Axelrod nom. illeg.

Holotype PA 5617 for Spirodela magna MacGinitie