National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., United States

Type specimens

Holotype 698230 for Cordaites olneyensis Šimůnek

Holotype 698232 for Cordaites daviessensis Šimůnek

Holotype 698233 for Cordaites kinneyensis Šimůnek

Holotype 698234 for Cordaites minshallensis Šimůnek

Holotype USNM 50016 for Carpites cordiformis Lesq.

Lectotype USNM 320717 for Anacardium peruvianum E.W.Berry
designated in Manchester, S. R. & Balmaki, B. (2018): Spiny fruits revealed by nano-CT scanning: Pseudoanacardium peruvianum (Berry) gen. et comb. nov. from the early Oligocene Belén flora of Peru. – Acta Palaeobotanica 51(1): 41–48.

Syntype USNM 38332 for Nyssa texana E.W.Berry

Holotype USNM 722022 for Engelhardia trinitiensis Huegele et Manchester

Holotype USNM 722014 for Turpinia tiffneyi Huegele et Manchester

Holotype USNM 722032 for Symplocos platycarpa Huegele et Manchester

Holotype USNM 722018 for Symplocos trinitiensis Huegele et Manchester

Holotype USNM 722019 for Symplocos trisulcata Huegele et Manchester

Holotype USNM 722033 for Symplocos amoena Huegele et Manchester

Holotype USNM 722037 for Symplocos fritschii Huegele et Manchester

Holotype USNM 722035 for Yua texana Huegele et Manchester

Holotype USNM 722043 for Meliosma berryi Huegele et Manchester

Lectotype USNM 38353D for Myristica catahoulensis E.W.Berry
designated in Huegele, I. B. & Manchester, S. R. (2019): Newly recognized diversity of fruits and seeds from the Late Paleogene flora of Trinity County, East Texas, USA. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 180(7): 681–708.

Lectotype USNM 38340 for Phoenicites occidentalis E.W.Berry
designated in Huegele, I. B. & Manchester, S. R. (2019): Newly recognized diversity of fruits and seeds from the Late Paleogene flora of Trinity County, East Texas, USA. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 180(7): 681–708.

Holotype USNM 43066 for Zingiberopsis isonervosa L.Hickey

Holotype USNM 722023 for Symplocos martinettoi Huegele et Manchester

Holotype USNM 536592 for Omphalophloios wagneri Opluštil, Pšenička et Bek

Holotype USNM P 36537 for Sterculia aceroides Knowlt.

Holotype USNM P 1804 for Hedera marginata Lesq.

Holotype USNM 722016 for Symplocos rothwelii Huegele et Manchester

Holotype USNM 38340 for Phoenicites occidentalis E.W.Berry

Holotype USNM P 35508 for Pistia wilcoxensis E.W.Berry

Holotype USNM P 38264 for Pistia claibornensis E.W.Berry

Lectotype USNM P 539 for Pistia corrugata Lesq.
designated in Stockey, R. A., Rothwell, G. W. & Johnson, K. R. (2007): Cobbania corrugata gen. et comb. nov. (Araceae): A floating aquatic monocot from the Upper Cretaceous of western North America. – American Journal of Botany 94(4): 609–624.

Holotype USNM 39739 for Acorus heeri E.W.Berry

Lectotype USNM 36675 for Aralia lobata Knowlt.
designated in Manchester, S. R. (2014): Revisions to Roland Brown's North American Paleocene flora. – Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series B – Historia Naturalis 70(3–4): 153–210.

Syntype for Anacardium peruvianum E.W.Berry

Holotype USNM 401637 for Platananthus hueberi E.M.Friis, P.R.Crane et K.R.Pedersen

Holotype USNM 401642 for Platanocarpus carolinensis E.M.Friis, P.R.Crane et K.R.Pedersen

Holotype USNM PAL 722530 for Pteroheterochrosperma horseflyensis MacK.A.Sm., Greenwalt et Manchester

Holotype USNM PAL 625447 for Quadrasubulaflora kishenehnensis MacK.A.Sm., Greenwalt et Manchester

Lectotype USNM 222678 for Celtis ameghenoi E.W.Berry
designated in Wilf, P., González, C. C., Gandolfo, M. A. & Zamaloa, M. C. (2024): Putative Celtis Leaves from Eocene Patagonia are Allied with Asian Anacardiaceae. – Ameghiniana 61(2): 73–92.