Nomenclatural acts

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000051
Flemingites veltheimianus comb. nov.
Bek, J. (2017): Paleozoic in situ spores and pollen. Lycopsida. – Palaeontographica, Abt. B 296(1–6): 1–111.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000050
Lepidodendron veltheimianus sp. nov.
Sternberg, K. M. (1820): Versuch einer geognostisch-botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt, Bd. I, H. 1. in Commission im Deutschen Museum, F. Fleischer, Leipzig: 24 pp.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000049
Flemingites lageniastrum comb. nov.
Bek, J. (2017): Paleozoic in situ spores and pollen. Lycopsida. – Palaeontographica, Abt. B 296(1–6): 1–111.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000048
Lepidostrobus lageniastrum sp. nov.
Potonié, R. H. H. E. (1965): Fossile Sporae in situ. – Forschungsberichte des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen 1483: 1–74.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000047
Flemingites hagemannii sp. nov.
Bek, J. (2017): Paleozoic in situ spores and pollen. Lycopsida. – Palaeontographica, Abt. B 296(1–6): 1–111.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000046
Elatocladus velenovskyi nom. nov.
Kvaček, J. (2015): Elatocladus velenovskyi nom. nov., a characteristic conifer of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. – Palaeontographica, Abt. B 292(1–3): 79–93.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000045
Sequoia heterophylla sp. nov.
Velenovský, J. (1885): Die Gymnospermen der Böhmischen Kreideformation. E. Greger: 1–34.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000044
Caldesia europaea sp. nov.
Hably, L. & Meller, B. (2017): Sarmatian wetlands at the NW margin of the Pannonian Basin system (Gratkorn, Styrian Basin, Austria, late middle Miocene). Part 1. The leaf record. – Palaeontographica, Abt. B 295(4–6): 135–165.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000043
Hydrochariphyllum kvacekii sp. nov.
Hably, L. & Meller, B. (2017): Sarmatian wetlands at the NW margin of the Pannonian Basin system (Gratkorn, Styrian Basin, Austria, late middle Miocene). Part 1. The leaf record. – Palaeontographica, Abt. B 295(4–6): 135–165.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000040
Styrax burdigalensis sp. nov.
Kvaček, Z., Teodoridis, V. & Roiron, P. (2011): A forgotten Miocene mastixioid flora of Arjuzanx (Landes, SW France). – Palaeontographica, Abt. B 285(30): 3–111.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000039
Bidens inopinata sp. nov.
Kvaček, Z., Teodoridis, V. & Roiron, P. (2011): A forgotten Miocene mastixioid flora of Arjuzanx (Landes, SW France). – Palaeontographica, Abt. B 285(30): 3–111.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000038
Distylium huardii sp. nov.
Kvaček, Z., Teodoridis, V. & Roiron, P. (2011): A forgotten Miocene mastixioid flora of Arjuzanx (Landes, SW France). – Palaeontographica, Abt. B 285(30): 3–111.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000037
Anachoropteris clavata sp. nov.
Graham, R. (1935): Pennsylvanian flora of Illinois as revealed in coal balls. II.Botanical Gazette 97(1): 156–168.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000036
Eomimosoidea plumosa sp. nov.
Crepet, W. L. & Dilcher, D. L. (1977): Investigations of angiosperms from the Eocene of North America: a mimosoid inflorescence. – American Journal of Botany 64(6): 714–725.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000035
Eomimosoidea gen. nov.
Crepet, W. L. & Dilcher, D. L. (1977): Investigations of angiosperms from the Eocene of North America: a mimosoid inflorescence. – American Journal of Botany 64(6): 714–725.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000034
Acorites heeri comb. nov.
Crepet, W. L. (1978): Investigations of angiosperms from the Eocene of North America: an aroid inflorescence. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 25: 241–252.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000033
Acorus heeri sp. nov.
Berry, E. W. (1930): Revision of the lower Eocene Wilcox flora of the Southeastern States. – Professional Papers, United States Geological Survey 156: 1–196, 50 pls.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000032
Anapaulia gen. nov.
Berry, C. M. & Edwards, D. (1996): Anapaulia moodyi gen et sp nov: A probable iridopteridalean compression fossil from the Devonian of western Venezuela. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 93(1–4): 127–145.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000031
Anapaulia moodyi sp. nov.
Berry, C. M. & Edwards, D. (1996): Anapaulia moodyi gen et sp nov: A probable iridopteridalean compression fossil from the Devonian of western Venezuela. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 93(1–4): 127–145.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000030
Acorites gen. nov.
Crepet, W. L. (1978): Investigations of angiosperms from the Eocene of North America: an aroid inflorescence. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 25: 241–252.

Total records: 1164