Eduardo Manuel Morel

Standard form: E.M.Morel

Author LSID:

Country: Argentina
Organization: División Paleobotánica, Museo de La Plata

Flourished around: 2018

New names

Androstrobus obovatus Bodnar, E.M.Morel, Coturel et Ganuza 2020

Dictyophyllum menendezii Bodnar, J.M.Drovandi, E.M.Morel et Ganuza 2018

Osmundopsis zunigai Coturel, Bodnar, E.M.Morel, Ganuza, Sagasti et M.Beltrán 2018

Rochipteris rolleri (Freng.) Bodnar, E.M.Morel, Coturel et Ganuza 2020

Citations in Fossil Plant Names

Bodnar, J., Morel, E. M., Coturel, E. P. & Ganuza, D. G. (2020): New plant fossil records and biostratigraphic analysis from the Uspallata Group (Late Triassic) at Cacheuta Hill, Cuyo Basin, west-central Argentina. – Geobios (Lyon) 60: 3–27.

Bodnar, J., Drovandi, J. M., Morel, E. M. & Ganuza, D. G. (2018): Middle Triassic dipterid ferns from west-central Argentina and their relationship to palaeoclimatic changes. – Acta Palaeontol. Polon. 63(2): 397–416.

Coturel, E. P., Bodnar, J., Morel, E. M., Ganuza, D. G., Sagasti, A. J. & Beltrán, M. (2018): New species of osmundaceous fertile leaves from the upper Triassic of Argentina. – Acta Palaeobot. 58(2): 107–119.


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