Alloberberis lobodonta (H.F.Becker) Doweld
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001250
Author: A. B. Doweld
Rank: species
Basionym: Mahonia lobodonta H.F.Becker
Reference for this name: Doweld, A. B. (2018): New names of fossil Berberidaceae. – Phytotaxa 351(1): 72–80.
Page of description: 74
Previously published illustration or figures: fig. 1 in Becker, H. F. (1959): A new species of Mahonia from the Oligocene Ruby Flora of Southwestern Montana. – Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan 15: 33–38.
Types for basionym
Holotype UMMP No. 39566, Museum of Palaeontology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Figures: fig. 1
Original diagnosis/description
Leaf 3-pinnate, 4 cm, long, 8 cm. wide; petiole 1% cm long (incomplete), 1 mm. wide with 5 minute, longitudinal striations or grooves; leaflets elongate, inaequilateral, deeply dentate, 4 cm. in length, 29 cm. in total width, sessile, terminal to petiole; lobed teeth 5, prominent, 2 pairs of teeth opposite, central tooth apical; lobed teeth entire, 10 to 13 mm. long, 3 to 5 mm. wide at base, tapering sharply to an (presumably) acute or spinose tip; lamina 7 to 9 mm. wide above basal lobes, 4 to 5 mm. above second pair in the middle of the leaflet; sinuses slightly rounded to angular, mostly 80°, but ranging from 60' to 100'; base broadly cuneate in lateral leaflets which are perpendicular to petiole, narrowly cuneate in central leaflet; midrib strong, curved, flanked by prominent, upward-curving primaries from which abaxial secondaries enter the basal teeth; pair of strong secondaries arising in the middle of the blade at 40' to 50' angle, entering second pair of teeth; primaries and secondaries branching irregularly, forming a coarse, longitudinal mesh; tertiary venation obscure; structure curled; margin thickened; texture coriaceous.
United States
Ruby basin, Montana, USA.
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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