Ilex sinuata R.W.Chaney et Axelrod nom. illeg.
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001319
Authors: R. W. Chaney & D. I. Axelrod
Rank: species
Illegitimate name
Reference for this name: Chaney, R. W. & Axelrod, D. I. (1959): Miocene Floras of the Columbia Plateau II. – Carnegie Institution of Washington publication 617: 135–224.
Page of description: 190
Illustrations or figures: pl. 38, figs 4, 11
Replacement name
Alloberberis caeruleomontana Doweld 2018
Holotype UCMP 3170, University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, USA
Figures: pl. 38, figs 4, 11
Original diagnosis/description
Leaf lanceolate; total length unknown, estimated at about 8 cm.; base rounded to auriculate; width 3.3 to 4.5 cm.; petiole very short, not more than 2 to 3 mm. long; midrib thick and straight; alternate secondaries diverging at about 45° and then immediately increasing the angle to about 85° and entering marginal lobes; major intersecondaries departing at 40° to 45°, extending toward edge of sinuses, and then looping up- ward along margin, those in lower part of blade diverging at 70° to 85°, looping upward to join those above well within the margin; tertiaries forming large, irregular polygons; finer mesh not preserved; margin coarsely dentate, with outward-pointing, heavy spine tips, the sinuses deep; texture leathery.
United States
Blue Mountains, Oregon.
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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