Pinus mikii Tosh.Yamada, M.Yamada et Tsukag.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002348


Authors: T. Yamada, M. Yamada & M. Tsukagoshi

Rank: species


Reference: Yamada, T., Yamada, M. & Tsukagoshi, M. (2015): Taxonomic revision of Pinus fujiii (Yasui) Miki (Pinaceae) and its implication for the phytogeography of the Section Trifoliae in East Asia. – PLoS ONE 10(12): e0143512 (18 pp.)., link

Page of description: 11

Illustrations or figures: fig. 7


Holotype OSA F20241–1, Osaka Museum of Natural History, Fossil collections, Osaka, Japan
Figures: fig. 7A

Note: Holotype previously figured by Miki (1941: Jap. J. Bot., 11: left specimen of text-fig. 5L).

Paratypes: OSA F20241–2 (fig. 7B), OSA F20241–3 (fig. 7C) (housed in Osaka Museum of Natural History, Fossil collections, Osaka, Japan).

Original diagnosis/description

Female cones conical to ovoid, with a cordate base; cone scales in 5:8 parastichies; apophyses rhombic, moderately swollen, with transverse keel and radiating ridges, vallate; umbos present at the upper one-third to one-half of dorsal apophyses, weakly depressed on basal half, perexcentromucronate; mucros slightly hooked, prominent even in basal cone scales.


Commemorating late Prof. Shigeru Miki who conducted the first comprehensive study on the Japanese fossil Pinaceae and greatly contributed to the clarification of the Neogene vegetation of Japan.


Neogene, Miocene
the upper Miocene Tokiguchi Formation, Tokai Group


Ohata-cho 3-chome (formerly called as ‘Ichinokuraguchi’), Tajimi-shi, Gifu Pref.

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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