Ricciopsis cortaderitaensis Savoretti, Bodnar, Coturel et M.Beltrán

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002924

Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:2924

Authors: A. Savoretti, J. Bodnar, E. P. Coturel & M. Beltrán

Rank: species

Genus: Ricciopsis Lundbl.

Reference: Savoretti, A., Bodnar, J., Coturel, E. P. & Beltrán, M. (2022): Fossil Bryophytes from the Middle Triassic Sorocayense Group, San Juan Province, Central-Western Argentina. – Ameghiniana 59(3): 179–200.

Page of description: 188

Illustrations or figures: fig. 7


Holotype PBSJ 408, Colección Paleobotánica del Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales de San Juan (PBSJ), Argentina
Figures: fig. 7 (1-2)

Note: Paratype: PBSJ 409 (fig. 7 (3-7)).

Original diagnosis/description

Plants thalloid. Thallus forming rosettes branched dichotomously up to four times, the fourth bifurcation very shallow. Branches ranging 2–5.5 mm wide and 6–12 mm long. Entire and slightly undulate margins. Rounded or obtuse apices, sometimes deeply notched prominent midrib. Cell of wings elongated, pentagonal and hexagonal shaped, oriented parallel to the midrib.


The specific epithet refers to the lithostratigraphic unit from where the specimens have been recovered.


Triassic, Middle Triassic, Ladinian
EF 6, Don Raúl Member, Cortaderita Formation (Ladinian), Sorocayense Group.


31° 38’ 53.6” S; 69° 24’ 34.9” W, La Tinta creek, Barreal area, Barreal-Calingasta depocenter, San Juan Province.

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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