Dennstaedtia christophelii Pigg, D.R.Greenw., Sundue et DeVore in Pigg, DeVore, Greenwood, Sundue, Schwartsburd & Basinger

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003204


Authors: K. B. Pigg, D. R. Greenwood, M. A. Sundue & M. L. DeVore

Rank: species

Reference: Pigg, K. B., DeVore, M. L., Greenwood, D. R., Sundue, M. A., Schwartsburd, P. B. & Basinger, J. F. (2021): Fossil Dennstaedtiaceae and Hymenophyllaceae from the Early Eocene of the Pacific Northwest. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 182(9): 793–807.

Page of description: 799

Illustrations or figures: figs 2A- 2D, 2F-2K, 3A-3J


Holotype SR 13-004-001AB, Stonerose Interpretive Center
Figures: figs 2A–2D, 2F–2K, 3

Original diagnosis/description

Frond one-pinnate-pinnatifid to two-pinnate proximally; pinnae widely spaced on narrow rachis, pinnae basally subopposite, distally alternate, stipitate, narrowly lanceolate, with a truncate base and reduced apex; pinnules oblong, sessile margins crenate to shallowly lobed; proximal pinnules free, distal pinnules gradually fused; sori globose, marginal, terminal on dichotomously branching free veins, within cuplike indusia; annulus with tangentially elongate cells.


The specific epithet christophelii recognizes the many contributions to paleobotany by David C. Christophel, friend and mentor to D. Greenwood and J. Basinger.


Paleogene, Eocene
Tom Thumb
Member of the Klondike Mountain Formation.


United States
Boot Hill, locality B4131, Republic, Washington

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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