Platanites willigeri Halamski et J.Kvaček in Halamski, Kvaček, Svobodová, Durska & Heřmanová

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003350


Authors: A. T. Halamski & J. Kvaček

Rank: species


Reference: Halamski, A. T., Kvaček, J., Svobodová, M., Durska, E. & Heřmanová, Z. (2020): Late Cretaceous mega-, meso-, and microfloras from Lower Silesia. – Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65(4): 811–878., link

Page of description: 836

Illustrations or figures: figs 14, 15B, 16A, B


Holotype MB.Pb.2008/0335, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
Figures: fig. 14B

Note: Paratype 1: MB.Pb.2008/0328, incomplete median leaflet (about two thirds of the blade, with margin, lacking base and apex) (figs 14A, 16A). Paratype 2: MB.Pb.2018/0054.1, a complete lateral leaflet (fig. 14C)

Original diagnosis/description

Leaf interpreted as trifoliolate (Fig. 15D); terminal leaflet ovate, base cuneate; margin serrate, teeth rarely spaced; venation palmately pinnate, palinactinodro- mous; midvein stout, two basal veins emerging from leaf base, secondary veins forming chevron pattern by intercon- nected secondary veins between adjacent primaries in the lower part of the lamina. Presumed lateral leaflets unlobed with pinnate venation.


In honour of Gustav Williger (1856–1937; for biographic notes see Springer 1914: 114–117, Anonymous 1937), in recognition of his contribution to the study of the Cretaceous of Lower Silesia (Williger 1882).


Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous, Santonian
Czerna Formation, most probably lower or middle Santonian.


Czech Republic
Probably Luisenhain, temporary excavations in the first half of the 20th century. In the collection the type material is labelled “Bunzlau”, but due to recent mislabelling of some specimens (see Appendix 1, entry on Luisenhain) it is unfortunately impossible to be certain about the original locality.

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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