Eobowenia Coiro et C.Pott

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000754

Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:754

Authors: M. Coiro & C. Pott

Rank: genus

Reference: Coiro, M. & Pott, C. (2017): Eobowenia gen. nov. from the Early Cretaceous of Patagonia: indication for an early divergence of Bowenia?BMC Evolutionary Biology 97(1): 97 (14 pp.).

Page of description: 3

Illustrations or figures: fig. 2


Original diagnosis/description

Leaves pinnate. Midrib delicate. Leaflets subopposite, insertion more acute towards the apex, oblong. Leaflet base broad. Leaflets with serrate margin. Veins parallel to the margin, converging at the base of the leaflet. Leaflets hypostomatic. Stomata with guard cell poles raised with respect to the aperture. Guard cells at same level with the epidermis, arranged longitudinally with respect to the leaflet axis. Stomatal complex monocyclic. Subsidiary cells with differentiated cuticle. Polar subsidiary cells sometimes differentiated from the lateral ones. Substomatal cells with thickened secondary cell walls. Epidermal cells elongated parallel to the leaflet axis, with darker-staining short cell distributed in rows of short cells. Anticlinal cell walls slightly wavy or concave.


From Greek Ἕως, dawn, and the name of the extant cycad Bowenia.

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood

Names associated with genus

Eobowenia incrassata (S.Archang.) Coiro et C.Pott 2017


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