Zirabia cylindrica comb. nov. provides evidence of Doyleales in the Jurassic

Reference LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:ref:1255

Authors: A. Elgorriaga & B. A. Atkinson

Full citation: Elgorriaga, A. & Atkinson, B. A. (2023): Zirabia cylindrica comb. nov. provides evidence of Doyleales in the Jurassic. – American Journal of Botany 110(7): e16182 (1–9).

Published: 2023

Journal: American Journal of Botany

Volume: 110

Issue: 7

Pages: e16182 (1–9)

Journal publisher: Botanical Society of America

DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.16182

New names or combinations

Zirabia cylindrica (H.-J.Schweitz. et M.Kirchn.) Elgorriaga et B.A.Atk. 2023


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