Tracking the initial diversification of asterids: anatomically preserved cornalean fruits from the early Coniacian (Late Cretaceous) of western North America

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Authors: B. A. Atkinson, R. A. Stockey & G. W. Rothwell

Full citation: Atkinson, B. A., Stockey, R. A. & Rothwell, G. W. (2017): Tracking the initial diversification of asterids: anatomically preserved cornalean fruits from the early Coniacian (Late Cretaceous) of western North America. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 179(on–line): 21–35.

Published: 2017-11-17

Journal: International Journal of Plant Sciences

Volume: 179(on–line)

Pages: 21–35

Journal publisher: University of Chicago Press

DOI: 10.1086/695339

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New names or combinations

Edencarpa B.A.Atk., Stockey et Rothwell 2017

Edencarpa grandis B.A.Atk., Stockey et Rothwell 2017

Eydeia vancouverensis B.A.Atk., Stockey et Rothwell 2017

Obamacarpa B.A.Atk., Stockey et Rothwell 2017

Obamacarpa edenensis B.A.Atk., Stockey et Rothwell 2017



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