Araucarian leaves and cone scales from the Loreto Formation of Río de Las Minas, Magellan Region, Chile

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Authors: T. (T. ) Ohsawa (as Ohsawa, Takeshi A.), A. Yabe, T. Yamada, K. Uemura, K. Terada, M. Leppe, F. L. Hinojosa & H. Nishida

Full citation: Ohsawa, Takeshi A., Yabe, A., Yamada, T., Uemura, K., Terada, K., Leppe, M., Hinojosa, F. L. & Nishida, H. (2016): Araucarian leaves and cone scales from the Loreto Formation of Río de Las Minas, Magellan Region, Chile. – Botany 94: 805–815.

Published: 2016

Journal: Botany

Volume: 94

Pages: 805–815

Journal publisher: Canadian Science Publishing, Ottawa

DOI: 10.1139/cjb-2016-0059

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New names or combinations

Araucarites alatisquamosus Tak.Ohsawa et H.Nishida in Ohsawa, Yabe, Yamada, Uemura, Terada, Leppe, Hinojosa & Nishida 2016


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