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Elgorriaga, A. & Atkinson, B. A. (2023): Cretaceous pollen cone with three-dimensional preservation sheds light on the morphological evolution of cycads in deep time. – New Phytologist 238(4): 1695–1710.

Luthardt, L., Rößler, R. & Stevenson, D. W. (2023): Cycadodendron galtieri gen. nov. et sp. nov.: an Early Permian gymnosperm stem with cycadalean affinity. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 184(9): 715–732.

Kvaček, J., Dašková, J. & Libertín, M. (2021): Catalogue of plant fossils described in works by Kaspar M. Sternberg. Second revised edition. – Sternbergiana 1: 1–309.

Friis, E. M., Crane, P. R. & Pedersen, K. R. (2020): Catanthus, an extinct magnoliid flower from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 182(online): 28–45.

Kvaček, J. & Mendes, M. M. (2020): Callialastrobus sousai gen. et sp. nov., a new araucariaceous pollen cone from the Early Cretaceous of Catefica (Lusitanian Basin, western Portugal) bearing Callialasporites and Araucariacites pollen. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 283: 104313 (9 pp.).

Nosova, N. V., Herman, Grabovskiy & Kostina (2020): Cretaceous Phoenicopsis Heer (Leptostrobales): A new species and a geological history of the genus. – Cretaceous Research 116: 104578 (16 pp.).

Friis, E. M., Crane, P. R. & Pedersen, K. R. (2019): Chlamydospermous seeds document the diversity and abundance of extinct gnetalean relatives in Early Cretaceous vegetation. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 180(7): 643–666.

Kloster, A. C. & Gnaedinger, S. C. (2018): Coniferous wood of Agathoxylon from the La Matilde Formation, (Middle Jurassic), Santa Cruz, Argentina. – Journal of Paleontology 92(4): 546–567.

Li, L., Jin, J. -H. & Manchester, S. R. (2018): Cupressaceae fossil remains from the Paleocene of Carneyville, Wyoming. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 251: 1–13.

Šimůnek, Z. (2018): Cuticular analysis of new Westphalian and Stephanian Cordaites species from the USA. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 253: 1–14.

Pinson, J. B., Manchester, S. R. & Sessa, E. B. (2018): Culcita remberi sp. nov., an understory fern of Cyatheales from the Miocene of Northern Idaho. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 179(8): 635–639.

Coiffard, C. & Mohr, B. A. R. (2018): Cretaceous tropical Alismatales in Africa: diversity, climate and evolution. – Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 20(2): 117–131.

Friis, E. M., Grimm, G. W., Mendes, M. M. & Pedersen, K. R. (2015): Canrightiopsis, a new Early Cretaceous fossil with Clavatipollenites-type pollen bridge the gap between extinct Canrightia and extant Chloranthaceae. – Grana 54(3): 184–212.

Friis, E. M. & Pedersen, K. R. (2011): Canrightia resinifera gen. et sp. nov., a new extinct angiosperm with Retimonocolpites-type pollen from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal: missing link in the eumagnoliid tree?Grana 50: 3–29.

von Balthazar, M., Pedersen, K. R., Crane, P. R. & Friis, E. M. (2008): Carpestella lacunata gen. et sp. nov., a new basal angiosperm flower from the Early Cretaceous (Early to Middle Albian) of eastern North America. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 169(7): 890–898.

Stockey, R. A., Rothwell, G. W. & Johnson, K. R. (2007): Cobbania corrugata gen. et comb. nov. (Araceae): A floating aquatic monocot from the Upper Cretaceous of western North America. – American Journal of Botany 94(4): 609–624.

Riley, M. G. & Stockey, R. A. (2004): Cardstonia tolmanii gen. et sp. nov. (Limnocharitaceae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Alberta, Canada. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 165(5): 897–916.

Rydin, C., Mohr, B. & Friis, E. M. (2003): Cratonia cotyledon gen. et sp. nov.: a unique Cretaceous seedling related to Welwitschia. – Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences 270(Suppl.): S29–S32.

Smith, S. Y., Rothwell, G. W. & Stockey, R. A. (2003): Cyathea cranhamii sp. nov. (Cyatheaceae), anatomically preserved tree fern sori from the Lower Cretaceous of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. – American Journal of Botany 90(5): 755–760.

Schönenberger, J., Friis, E. M., Matthews, M. L. & Endress, P. K. (2001): Cunoniaceae in the Cretaceous of Europe: Evidence from fossil flowers. – Annals of Botany 88(3): 423–437.

Total records: 30