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Kovar-Eder, J. (2024): Plant diversity at the final stage of the Miocene Climate Optimum - Revision of the flora of Leoben, Styria, Austria. – Acta Palaeobotanica 264(2): 123–286.
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Rothwell, G. W. & Stockey, R. A. (2024): Pinaceous evolution illuminated by additional diversity of Early Cretaceous seed cones. – Fossil Imprint 80(1): 1–8.
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Greenwood, D. R., Conran, J. & West, C. K. (2022): Palm fronds from western Canada are the northernmost palms from the Late Cretaceous of North America and may include the oldest Arecaceae. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 301: 104641 (1–20).
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Greenwood, D. R., Hill, C. R. & Conran, J. (2013): Prumnopitys anglica sp. nov. (Podocarpaceae) from the Eocene of England. – Taxon 62(3): 565–580.
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Wang, J., Pfefferkorn, H. W. & Bek, J. (2009): Paratingia wudensis sp. nov., a whole noeggerathialean plant preserved in an earliest Permian air fall tuff in Inner Mongolia, China. – American Journal of Botany 96(9): 1676–1689.
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